STREET ART ~  I love street art (formerly called graffiti)!  I think it would be great to give it a try but I’m not interested in the risk factor…but you never know.  In the meantime I started sketching my own safe street art and that’s how the Mama Series came about.  I started with small canvases, 8 x 8 inches, and have gotten somewhat bigger, but not big enough.  Someday I’ll see the side of a building, a train andyou never know!”

TAGGED ART  While in Florence, Italy I noticed some traffic signs that had been tagged; I loved the artist’s humor.    I thought the use of their canvas, the traffic sign, was clever and I know they had fun making them.  The work made us stop, look and strike up a conversation. Isn’t that what every artist wants?  I enjoyed them so much I decided to reproduce them myself, in a much safer environment.  On my next trip to Florence, besides their great art, I look forward to discovering what other clever tagged signs I might find.